在国外如何使用 Wise 借记卡
在国外如何使用 Wise 借记卡
23 年 5 月 17 日(最后更新)4 分钟阅读如果您拥有 Wise(以前称为 TransferWise)帐户,您将能够以低廉的一次性费用*订购一张链接的国际 Wise 卡,用于在 170 多个国家/地区进行消费和现金提取。
如果您是 Wise 卡的新手,本指南适合您。 请继续阅读,了解有关在旅行时轻松安全地使用 Wise 卡所需的所有信息。
当您在海外时,Wise 卡如何使用?Wise 卡链接到您的 Wise 帐户。 这是一张借记卡,可以让国际支出和旅行的预算变得更加容易,这意味着无需支付利息,无需支付现金预支费用,也无需支付罚金。
只需将您外出时预计花费的资金充值到您的 Wise 账户,然后在 Wise 内兑换成您需要的货币,或者让卡的自动兑换功能立即将您的余额转换成您需要的货币,且费用最低 可能的费用。
当您在海外时,您可以像在美国一样使用卡进行消费和提款,并通过 Wise 应用程序中的即时交易通知密切关注一切。 您还可以在需要时使用应用程序冻结和解冻您的卡。 简单的。
所有交易都会从您的 Wise 帐户中扣除,通常几乎是立即进行 - 如果您的计划发生变化,您只需轻按几下即可使用手机随时随地为您的 Wise 帐户充值。
境外如何使用Wise借记卡?使用卡如果您是新的 Wise 卡,请务必注意,您需要在旅行前激活它并设置 PIN 码。 这只能在美国完成,因此在您的卡到达后立即处理此步骤是值得的。
要激活您的 US Wise 卡,只需在线或在应用程序中登录 Wise,然后输入卡背面的 6 位数代码即可。 此安全步骤证明该卡在帐户持有人的手中 - 完成此操作后,您只需登录 Wise 即可在线访问您的卡详细信息。
激活后,您可以在旅行时使用 Wise 卡亲自消费和提取现金。 如果您将卡与 Apple Pay 等移动钱包一起使用,您将能够正常进行移动支付 - 如果您习惯于进行非接触式付款,您还可以在国际上支持此服务的任何地方进行触碰付款 。
什么是DCC?在国际上使用 Wise 卡(或任何其他信用卡或借记卡)之前,有必要了解 DCC(动态货币转换)。
如果您在旅行时,商家询问您是否愿意以美元或当地货币付款,或者您在提款时看到 ATM 上出现同样的问题,那就是 DCC。
DCC 作为一项服务进行推广,因为它可以让您轻松查看您的付款的美元价值,因此您无需自己进行换算。 然而,这也意味着您可能需要支付更高的费用,并且您可能会获得较差的兑换汇率。
简而言之,如果您想减少不必要的费用和隐藏费用,DCC 很适合避免。 始终以当地货币付款,以获得最优惠的价格,不会出现令人不快的意外。
在国际上使用 Wise 借记卡的费用是多少?我们来盘点一下您在海外使用Wise卡消费和取款时需要支付的费用。
服务明智费订购明智卡您的第一张卡 9 美元
换卡费用为 5 美元 — 如果您的卡即将过期,则可免除费用
使用您持有的货币 免费使用您账户中未持有的货币 货币兑换费用为 0.41% 起 — 您的卡将自动将您的余额兑换为最便宜的可用费用在 ATM 机上提取现金前两次提款总额低于 100 美元不收取任何费用。 前两次之后,每次提款 1.50 美元,提款总额超过 100 美元另加 2%。
费用金额因 ATM 所有者而异。 即使您没有完成交易,ATM 机主也可能会向您收取额外费用
请参阅您所在地区的使用条款或访问 Wise Fees & Pricing:仅按使用量付费,了解最新的定价和费用信息。
哪里可以使用Wise卡?您可以在全球 170 多个国家/地区使用 Wise 卡进行现金提取和个人消费。 有一个简短的列表,列出了您不能使用美国发行的 Wise 卡的国家/地区 - 我们稍后会查看。
如果您在线使用您的卡,您将能够在大多数符合条件的国家/地区使用它 - 但有些网站和商家只接受本地发行的卡。 如果您在使用 Wise 卡付款时遇到困难,这可能就是原因。
以下是不接受 US Wise 卡的国家/地区列表:
阿富汗、白俄罗斯、玻利维亚、柬埔寨、布隆迪、中非共和国、乍得、刚果和刚果民主共和国、科特迪瓦、古巴、埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、伊朗、伊拉克、肯尼亚、黎巴嫩、利比亚、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、尼日利亚、朝鲜、巴基斯坦、巴拉圭、俄罗斯、圣多美和普林西比、索马里、苏丹和南苏丹、斯里兰卡、叙利亚、塔吉克斯坦、坦桑尼亚、土库曼斯坦、乌干达、委内瑞拉、越南、也门和赞比亚。https://wise.com/us/blog/how-to-use-wise-cardHow to use the Wise debit card when you're abroad
Gabriela Peratello
Gabriela Peratello
17.05.23 (last updated)
4 minute read
If you have an account with Wise (formerly TransferWise) you’ll be able to order a linked international Wise card for a low, one time fee*, for spending and cash withdrawals in 170+ countries.
If you’re new to the Wise card, this guide is for you. Read on for all you need to know about using your Wise card easily and safely when you travel.
How does the Wise card work when you're overseas?
The Wise card is linked to your Wise Account. It’s a debit card, which can make budgeting for international spending and travel easier — and which means there’s no interest to pay, no cash advance charges, and no penalty fees.
Simply top up your Wise Account with the funds you expect to spend when you’re away, and either convert to the currencies you need within Wise, or let the card’s auto convert feature switch your balance to the currency you need instantly, with the lowest possible fees.
While you’re overseas you can spend and withdraw with your card just like you would in the US, and keep an eye on everything with instant transaction notifications in the Wise app. You can also use your app to freeze and unfreeze your card whenever you need to. Easy.
All transactions are debited from your Wise account, usually pretty much instantly — and if your plans change you can top up your Wise Account on the go using your phone in just a few taps.
How to use the Wise debit card abroad?
If your Wise card is new to you, it’s important to note that you’ll need to activate it and set a PIN before you travel. This can only be done in the US, so it’s worth getting this step sorted as soon as your card arrives.
To activate your US Wise card, simply log into Wise online or in the app, and enter the 6 digit code that’s on the back of your card. This security step proves that the card is in the hands of the account holder — and after this is completed you’ll be able to access your card details online by simply logging into Wise.
Once it’s activated, you can use your Wise card when you travel to spend in person and make cash withdrawals. If you use your card with a mobile wallet like Apple Pay you’ll be able to make mobile payments as normal — and if you’re used to making contactless payments you’ll also be able to tap and pay anywhere this service is supported internationally.
What is DCC?Before you use your Wise card (or any other credit or debit card for that matter) internationally, it’s worth understanding DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion).
If you’re traveling and a merchant asks you if you’d rather pay in USD or the local currency — or if you see the same question flash up on an ATM when making a withdrawal — that’s DCC.
DCC is promoted as a service as it lets you easily see what your payment is worth in USD, so you don’t have to do the conversion yourself. However, it also means that you’re likely to be charged higher fees, and you’ll probably get a poor exchange rate for the conversion.
In the end, if you choose to pay in USD it just pushes up your costs compared to paying in the local currency wherever you are.
In short — DCC is well with avoiding if you’re looking to cut out unnecessary fees and hidden charges. Always pay in the local currency to get the best available deal with no nasty surprises.
What are the fees for using the Wise debit card internationally?
Let’s run through the costs you’ll pay when you spend and withdraw with the Wise card overseas.
Service Wise fee Order a Wise card 9 USD for your first card
5 USD for a card replacement — fee waived if your card is expiring
Spend a currency you hold No fee Spend a currency you don’t hold in your account Currency conversion fees from 0.41% — your card will automatically convert your balance for the cheapest available fee Make a cash withdrawal at an ATM No fee for first two withdrawals less than 100 USD total. After the first two, 1.50 USD per withdrawal plus 2% for withdrawing more than 100 USD total.
Fee amount varies by ATM owner. You may be charged an additional amount by the ATM owner even if you don't complete a transaction
Please see Terms of Use for your region or visit Wise Fees & Pricing: Only Pay for What You Use for the most up-to-date pricing and fee information. Where can you use the Wise card?
You can use your Wise card in 170+ countries around the world, for cash withdrawals and in person spending. There’s a short list of countries in which you can’t use a Wise card issued in the US — which we’ll look at in a moment.
If you’re using your card online you’ll be able to use it in most eligible countries — but there are some websites and merchants which only accept locally issued cards. If you’re struggling to make a payment with your Wise card, this may be the reason.
Here’s the rundown of the countries where your US Wise card won’t be accepted:
Afghanistan, Belarus, Bolivia, Cambodia, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and DR of Congo, Côte d’lvoire, Cuba, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Paraguay, Russia, São Tome and Principe, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen and Zambia.
Information correct at time of writing — 10th November 2022. Non-supported countries may change due to Wise policy or international financial regulations — check the Wise website for the most up to date information before you travel. Using your Wise card internationally is a breeze. In most cases, you can use your card exactly as you would any other — and with the low currency conversion fees Wise is famous for.
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