问题:中国有哪些对世界影响重大却鲜为人知的历史事件? 英国专家乔治•爱德华的回答
In 751 ad, the battle of Talas between Arabs and Chinese troops can be regarded as an event that ultimately had a great impact on the rest of the world. The battle itself has hardly been noticed or written today, but it has profoundly changed the process of history.
In 751 ad, the Arab Empire was in the ascendant. At that time, the Arab Caliph was ruled by the powerful Abbasid Dynasty, while in the East, the Chinese Empire was ruled by the great Tang Dynasty. They meet on a narrow road in today's Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia. An event will trigger conflict and war between the two great empires.
In his book, European crossroads: a history of Xinjiang, James Millward, a historian and professor at Georgetown University, wrote that the conflict was "the first and last meeting between the Arab Empire and the Chinese army".
历史学家、乔治城大学教授詹姆斯·米尔沃德(James Millward)在其著作《欧亚十字路口:新疆历史》(Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang)中写道,这场冲突是“阿拉伯帝国和中国军队的第一次也是最后一次会面”。
By the mid-740s, the Tang Dynasty controlled the North-South trade route of modern Kyrgyzstan's Tianshan Mountains. At that time, General Gao Xianzhi of the Tang Dynasty ordered to drive Tibetans out of the Pamirs.
The confrontation between the rulers of the Principality of Chah and the Fergana kingdom in Central Asia eventually led to a conflict between Arabs and Chinese. At that time, the Fergana kingdom ruled by ihsid was a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty.
In 750 ad, King Fergana had a border dispute with the rulers of neighboring Chah. He called on the rulers of the Tang Dynasty to send General Gao Xianzhi to help Fergana's army fight together. General Gao Xianzhi led his troops to besiege Chah and promised to provide king Chah with a safe passage to leave the capital.
But Gao Xianzhi later broke her promise and beheaded the king. King Chah's son escaped by chance and then sought help from the Arab governor of the Abbasid Dynasty in huloshan. The Arabs decided to teach the Tang Dynasty a lesson, so they gathered their troops and marched eastward. Of course, the Arabs also hoped to take this opportunity to maintain Abbas's influence in the region.
战斗经过/Battle process
In 751 ad, the two armies finally met along the Talas River in today's Kyrgyzstan. The Tang army was reinforced by the Karluk of the Central Asian Turkic tribal alliance. Surprisingly, the Karluk family later played a decisive role in the upcoming battle.
Both sides sent tens of thousands of soldiers. The war lasted four days. The two powerful armies fought for several times. The situation of the war was stalemate, and the victory was lost for the moment. On the fifth day, the kaluk tribe suddenly marched from the Arab side and attacked the Chinese army. The end of the Tang army was doomed.
According to Chinese historical records, the kaluk tribe had long been subordinate to the Tang Dynasty, but changed its mind in the middle of the battle, which directly led to the defeat of the Tang army. Only Gao Xianzhi and a small part of the army escaped successfully.
This failure marked the complete end of the Tang Dynasty's westward expansion and led to the control of Central Asia by Muslims for the next 400 years. Since the region is a necessary place for the Silk Road and there are many merchants, the control of the region has greatly promoted the economic development of the Abbasids.
灾难性后果/disastrous consequences
At the time of the battle, its impact was unclear. There are few historical records about this battle. The records of China and Arabia are only a few words. Shortly after the battle of Talas, the Tang Dynasty was involved in a bigger storm.
At first, the Tang Dynasty wanted revenge and planned to drive the Arabs out of Central Asia. However, a disastrous civil war, the an Shi rebellion, later engulfed the whole of China from 755 to 763. The rebellion led to a large number of casualties, so that the population of the Tang Dynasty was greatly reduced.
The destruction of the population is not only the direct result of serious combat casualties and incidental civilian deaths, but also the direct impact on farmers, which led to their difficulties in farming and abandoned fields. Especially in northern and central China, mass famine and disease occurred again, resulting in the death of millions of people, Chinese Historians said, The an Shi rebellion experienced the reign of three emperors of the Tang Dynasty, and the death toll was estimated to be as high as 36 million.
The an Shi rebellion and its disastrous consequences greatly weakened the centralized bureaucratic system of the Tang Empire, especially in the surrounding areas of the Empire, which has been lax. The emergence of autonomous provinces and temporary financial organizations directly led to the rise of warlords and weakened the influence of the central government.
In addition, because the army withdrew to central China to help suppress the rebellion and deal with the subsequent riots, the Tang government lost control of most of the western region. The continued decline of military strength and economic weakness led to the further weakening of the Tang Dynasty's control over the territory of the western region in the next few years, especially.
By 790 ad, the Chinese had completely lost control of the Tarim Basin. With the weakening of the influence of the Tang Dynasty in Central Asia, the Arabs took this opportunity to further expand into Central Asia.
The weak Chinese empire can no longer interfere in Central Asia, so the influence of Abbas Arabs continues to grow.
Many alliances and tribes in Central Asia have converted to Islam. Over the next 250 years, most of the tribes in Central Asia that used to be Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Nestorianism became Muslims.
With the decline of Buddhism in Central Asia under the influence of Islam, Chinese Buddhism and Indian Buddhism gradually separated and developed into an independent religion with distinct and unique spiritual elements.
造纸术走向西方/Papermaking goes to the West
Most importantly, papermaking spread smoothly to Arab countries at that time, and then to the West due to the battle of Talas.
According to talibi, an 11th century historian, Chinese prisoners captured in the battle helped bring the paper industry to Samarkand. Samarkand is a city in the southeast of Uzbekistan and one of the oldest cities in Central Asia.
It is said that some Chinese soldiers worked in Chinese paper mills before. Later, they helped build the first paper mill outside China. One of the prisoners was tou Houan, a craftsman of the Tang Dynasty.
According to historical records, he and others were taken to Baghdad, where they worked for Islamic prisoners for several years. When he returned to China, he wrote to the emperor, saying that he and his colleagues had taught Abbas craftsmen important techniques in papermaking, weaving and gold processing.
Soon, paper mills were established in Samarkand, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo and Delhi. In 1120, the first European paper mill was established in hativa (now Valencia), Spain.
In the heyday of Arab rule, they controlled Spain and Portugal, as well as North Africa, the Middle East and large areas of Central Asia, which promoted the transfer of papermaking technology from the east to the West. The Chinese invention later spread from hathawa to Italy, Germany and the whole of Europe.
Paper is cheaper than parchment, easier to carry and make, and helps spread knowledge. Most of these books written in paper were collected from Asian cultural centers along the Silk Road, which greatly benefited Europe in the middle ages.
It completely changed the Islamic world and later Europe. The emergence of paper technology and the popularity of woodcut printing and later movable type printing undoubtedly promoted the progress of Western science, theology and history.
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