
送交者: 午夜剑客 [♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2022-01-29 1:25 已读 6687 次 2赞 大字阅读 繁體閱讀
演唱:Piyawan Ta


大漠风情 巴丹吉林:

The Crooked Tail Camel Calf

词 : 青青子衿 (Lyrics : Qingqing Zijin) 曲 : 李立东/C大调 (Music : Li Lidong) 唱 : Piyawan Ta 谱 : •http://www.jianpu.cn/pu/43/436514.htm

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.)

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aaaa)—————•

巴丹吉林 , 壮美的地方 Badain Jaran¹, a place bold and grand,

沙海浩瀚 , 天地苍茫 Immense sea of sand, vast sky and land.

雄鹰展翅 , 驼铃声响 Eagles soar high, camel bells clang,

蒙古包矗立在淖尔旁 Mongolian gers³ by the lakes stand.

•————[ Stanzas 2, 5 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————•

阿拉善 , 神驼的故乡 Alxa², homeland of the blest camel,

驼背上少女在甜美地歌唱 On the camelback, sweetly sings a girl.

乐乐车赶着太阳 Chasing the sun with Lele⁴ carts,

一路花香温润着心房 Trail of flowers warms and dews her heart.

•—————[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————•

偏尾巴的驼羔哎 The crooked tail camel calf,

你驮着牧人的希望 Hope of the herdsmen is on your back.

迎来朝阳 , 送走暮光 Dawnlight you greet, twilight you see off,

跋涉在漫天的沙岗 Over the endless dunes you trudge on.

•————[ Stanzas 4, 6 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————•

偏尾巴的驼羔哎 The crooked tail camel calf,

你驮着少女的梦想 Dream of the girl is on your back.

走过大漠 , 奔向远方 Across the desert, toward the distance,

偏尾巴摇动无边的霞光 Crooked Tail sways up a sky of crimson.

偏尾巴摇动无边的霞光 Crooked Tail sways up a sky of crimson.

Translated by ck 2022-01-19 •====================================•


1. Badain Jaran (or Badan Jilin) : the third largest desert in China, covering an area of 49,000 km² on the Alxa Plateau in north-central China. It is well-known for its numerous mega-dunes, one of which towers 589 m from the base as the tallest stationary dune in the world. The sand dunes here have a unique phenomenon whereby they could emit whistling sound in the wind. 

The desert also features over 100 spring-fed lakes that lie between the dunes, some are fresh water while others are extremely saline. These lakes give the desert its name “Badain Jaran”, which is Mongolian for “mysterious lakes”.


2. Alxa (or Alashan) : the plateau where Badain Jaran Desert is located. It is the southernmost portion of the Gobi Desert, occupying about 1,000,000 km² in north-central China, covering the western portion of Inner Mongolia, the northern part of Gansu province, and bounded by the Yellow River and Helan Mountains on the east, by the Qilian Mountains on the south. It is sub-divided into three smaller deserts : Tengri, Badain Jaran, and Ulan Buh.


巴丹吉林沙漠 是中国八大沙漠之一,是阿拉善沙漠的主体,位于内蒙古自治区西部的银额盆地底部,总面积49,000 km²。巴丹吉林沙漠的沙山以高、险、陡、峻著称,典型性在世界上没有其它沙漠可以比肩。沙山一般海拔高度在1200 m 至1500 m 之间,其中海拔高度 1611 m 的 必鲁图峰 有着 589 m 的相对高度,是世界最高的固定沙峰。


3. Mongolian ger : (or “yurt” in Turkic) is a portable round tent covered with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the steppes of Central Asia.


4. Lele cart : a traditional oxcart used in the Mongolian steppes. Its origin can be traced to the cart known as "thills and spokes" recorded in the annals of Western Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. The term “lele” (or “lolo”) is the herdsmen's holler in urging on the animals. It serves as a mobile home for the nomads : a cart when moving, a ger when camping. Nicknamed "the boat on the steppes", it had played a vital role in the life and work of nomadic herdsmen as the most important means of transportation throughout history until the 1970's.



Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse.


•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]——————————•

巴丹吉林 ,- 壮美的地方 (9) Badain Jaran, - a place bold and grand, (9)

沙海 - 浩瀚 ,- 天地苍茫 (8) Immense sea - of sand, - vast sky and land. (9)

雄鹰展翅 ,- 驼铃声响 (8) Eagles soar high, - camel bells clang, (8)

蒙古包矗立 - 在淖尔旁 (9) Mongolian gers - by the lakes stand. (8)

•————————[ Stanzas 2, 5 ]—————————•

阿拉善 ,- 神驼的故乡 (8) Alxa, homeland - of the blest camel, (9)

驼背上少女 - 在甜美地 - 歌唱 (11) On the camelback, - sweetly sings - a girl. (10)

乐乐车 - 赶着太阳 (7) Chasing the sun - with Lele carts, (8)

一路花香 - 温润着心房 (9) Trail of flowers - warms and dews her heart. (9)

•—————————[ Stanza 3 ]——————————•

偏尾巴的 - 驼羔哎 (7) The crooked tail - camel calf, (7)

你驮着 - 牧人的 - 希望 (8) Hope of the - herdsmen is - on your back. (9)

迎来朝阳 ,- 送走 - 暮光 (8) Dawnlight you greet, - twilight - you see off, (9)

跋涉在 - 漫天的 - 沙岗 (8) Over the - endless dunes - you trudge on. (9)

•————————[ Stanzas 4, 6 ]—————————•

偏尾巴的 - 驼羔哎 (7) The crooked tail - camel calf, (7)

你驮着 - 少女的 - 梦想 (8) Dream of the - girl is - on your back. (8)

走过 - 大漠 ,- 奔向 - 远方 (8) Across - the desert, - toward - the distance, (10)

偏尾巴摇动 - 无边的霞光 (10) Crooked Tail sways up - a sky of crimson. (10)

偏尾巴摇动 - 无边的霞光 (10) Crooked Tail sways up - a sky of crimson. (10)


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