歌曲欣赏+翻译 :《El Condor Pasa》秘鲁民歌

送交者: 午夜剑客 [♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-06-06 15:39 已读 3566 次 大字阅读 繁體閱讀

比如这个这首秘鲁民歌《山鹰之歌》(El Condor Pasa),YouTube 一个视频里的大白话中文翻译,音节弄得很长,用中文唱会唱得嘴忙口乱。我的翻译音节跟原词接近,能唱得下,但显得有点文言式,有点文驺驺不接地气。


唱 : Andy Williams


唱 : Simon & Garfunkel


El Condor Pasa (If I Could)

曲 : Daniel Alomía Robles (1913)
based on traditional Andean music.
词 : Adapted by Simon & Garfunkel
谱 : •http://www.jianpuw.com/htm/yj/25693.htm

(句子后面的数字为音节数 , 用来检查能不能用中文唱得顺口. )

•———[1] (英文韵式 abab ; 中文韵式 abab)———•

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail, (10)
我宁为雀鸟 , 不为虫豸 (9)

Yes I would, if I could, I surely would. (10)
我宁愿 , 若我能 , 我肯定愿. (10)

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, (10)
我宁作锤子 , 不作钉子 (9)

Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would. (12)
我宁愿 , 只要我能 , 我肯定愿. (11)

•———[2] (英文韵式 abcc ; 中文韵式 abab)———•

Away, I'd rather sail away, (8)
远离.. 我不如远离 , (7)

Like a swan that's here and gone. (7)
像只雁 , 来去任凭. (7)

A man gets tied up to the ground, (8)
人啊.. 若被缚于地 , (7)

He gives the world his saddest sound, his saddest sound. (12)
他会对天发出悲鸣.. 最悲的鸣. (12)

•———[3] (英文韵式 abab ; 中文韵式 abcb)———•

I'd rather be a forest than a street, (10)
我宁为森林 , 不为街径 (9)

Yes I would, if I could, I surely would. (10)
我宁愿 , 若我能 , 我肯定愿. (10)

I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet, (10)
我宁愿感受 脚下的泥 (9)

Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would. (12)
我宁愿 , 只要我能 , 我肯定愿. (11)

ck 2020-07-11

El Cóndor Pasa :

El Cóndor Pasa, pronounced [ el ˈkondoɾ pasa ], Spanish for "The Condor Passes", is an orchestral musical piece from the zarzuela El Cóndor Pasa by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles, written in 1913 and based on traditional Andean music, specifically folk music from Peru.

Since then, it has been estimated that around the world, more than 4000 versions of the melody have been produced, along with 300 sets of lyrics. In 2004, Peru declared this song as part of the national cultural heritage. This song is now considered the second national anthem of Peru.

It is the best-known Peruvian song in the English-speaking world due to a 1970 cover by Simon & Garfunkel on their “Bridge Over Troubled Water” album. Their version is called "El Cóndor Pasa (If I Could)".

贴主:午夜剑客于2021_06_06 15:43:44编辑

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